“Short+Sweet Theatre is the biggest short play festival in the world. Short+Sweet Sydney will produce 160 brand new 10 minute plays January-March, never before seen in Sydney. With over 300 writers and directors and close to 500 actors involved.”
As the S+S Festival suits up for Week 7, screen director Spike Hogan is himself gearing up to tackle his first time helming a production for the stage.
Why do you direct?
I love exploring characters, and the human condition. Stories have always been a part of my life – the interest to create them passed down to me from my parents – it’s a family generational thing.
You have a strong film background – having studied it, to having worked in it. What brought you to Short+Sweet?
Character-focused stories are my passion. I’d always wanted to attempt theatre, where I felt I could apply a greater focus and attention on that passion for character – without having to simultaneously concern myself with the myriad of technical requirements of shooting for screen. Short+Sweet is an extremely accessible outlet – for actors, directors, and writers alike – of all levels of experience. And there’s a great variety on offer in regards to content – showing 12 different little stories each week.
Your “little story” for Short+Sweet, Mexican Standoff, will be running out of the Depot Theatre in the festival’s 7th week. A story set at a football match, examining class divides and social customs. Why this play for you?
Plainly put – it stood out for me. It’s sense of fun. It’s humour. It’s absurdity. Whilst still having the ability to put society and concepts of conformity under the microscope…!
I also have experienced getting into arguments of a similar nature to that of the characters of the play…! So, I can relate to that I guess. Perhaps we all can.
In the spirt of keeping things short and sweet – let’s try firing off some word association!
- Theatre – Story. Character. Art. History.
- Film – Creativity. Collaboration. And Stress!
- Storytelling – Humanity. And Change.
- Directing – Emotion. And Control.
- Sport – Belonging. Passion.
- Conflict – The heart of all storytelling!
- Learning. Transformation – and the inability for.
- Resolution – ‘The Pay-off’ – in film terms.
- Society – A melting pot! Class. Country. Nationalism. Race. Sexuality. Borders…(Borders of all kinds – they’re imaginary ‘lines’… At the end of the day – we’re all human.)
- Humour – Timing!
- Collaboration – TEAM.
And, just like that – we’re done!
Thank you.
Peter Maple – Theatre Now and Talking Arts
Original publish date, February 22, 2017.